Plugins for Oblivion are difficult to make, given the specifics of the game, but if you have some theoretical knowledge, it is quite possible to try to do it in earnest on your own. Keep in mind that you will need a lot of time to study the relevant literature.

- - access to the Internet;
- - various graphic editors.
Step 1
Download from the Internet special literature on the development of Oblivion plugins, you can use official sources of information, and periodically view the contents of thematic forums.
Step 2
Please note that in order to create additional materials for the Oblivion game, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of this game, not only go through it, but also know the software part of the question. You also need skills in graphic editors, since it is also important to take into account the design component when developing.
Step 3
Make sure you have the appropriate software, you can find recommendations regarding this part in literature sources, but here it is also important to take into account the reviews of other developers who have previously worked with certain editors.
Step 4
In cases where you have certain difficulties with the development of plug-ins for Oblivion, contact those users of the corresponding resources who, like you, are engaged in the creation of additional materials for this game. Please note that this can often be an even more convenient way than referring to official sources of information, which will not be easy for you to assimilate anyway.
Step 5
When choosing software for creating plugins, use only licensed or free software. Download programs only from the official websites of the developers to avoid installing Trojans on your computer.
Step 6
When looking for additional materials such as textures and palettes, use specially designed resources for this, also do not trust various links to file sharing, if there is no positive feedback from other users about the previously downloaded material.