If you suspect that viruses may have appeared on your computer, you need to perform an anti-virus scan. There comes a time when you can see a sign on your computer's desktop stating that your computer is infected and you need to download a good antivirus. The inexperienced user of a personal computer, of course, agrees. But a good antivirus does not want to cure for free and requires sending an SMS message to a specific number, which, as a rule, leads to a large amount being debited from the user's phone. How to deal with this, read on.

Checking the hard disk with specialized anti-virus programs
Step 1
The whole problem lies in the fact that previously installed antiviruses, which you did not get for free, cannot catch such an "infection" on the fly. Other free utilities can come to your aid, created to clean all kinds of threats, in which a regular antivirus cannot cope. An example is the free utility from the developer Dr. Web - Cure It! Installing and running this program will not cause you any difficulty. If there are no viruses when scanning with this product, restart your computer and enter Safe Mode. Most viruses can block virus scanning.
Step 2
It is also possible that a virus has taken up residence in the kernel of your operating system. In this case, the antivirus will not be able to find such a virus. In this case, you need to check your hard disk on another computer, which will be clean (previously checked by an antivirus).
Step 3
Sometimes it is enough to use special bootable discs. These disks are loaded at system startup and check the most vulnerable areas of your shell for dangerous elements. These discs can be found in most modern antivirus vendors.