If you don't pay enough attention to your computer, sooner or later it will start to slow down. Sluggishness means all kinds of freezes and system crashes when using a PC. It only takes a little effort and patience to fix this problem.

Software part
In most cases, the computer starts to slow down due to problems and failures in its software part. The following tips will help you troubleshoot:
- keep the hard drive clean - it is not recommended to install all software in a row on a PC (you need to install only those programs that you use on your computer);
- remove unnecessary programs and games - it is worth carefully analyzing the list of programs on the PC and removing those that you did not install (perhaps they were installed automatically when using the Internet);
- clean the operating system registry - after cleaning the PC, you should take care of the registry (this can be done using a large number of specialized utilities, for example, CCleaner);
- remove unnecessary programs from startup (the same CCleaner utility will help you with this);
- defragment hard disks, do it at least once a month (this way all files will be organized in the best possible way, and the computer will work faster);
- free up space on your hard disk - there must be at least 5 GB of free space on the system disk of the computer (this is necessary for the correct operation of the operating system and installed programs);
- turn off the visual effects that give the operating system beauty (these are all kinds of shadow effects, minimized windows, beautiful icons and frames).
Due to virus infection, the computer will slow down or work incorrectly. Viruses can take up a PC's processor time, and it will not be enough for the operating system or programs. Of course, it would be easy to purchase a licensed anti-virus program. But not everyone can afford this pleasure, so you have to use free analogues of well-known branded antivirus applications. Or free utilities.
If viruses are detected and you are sure of their presence, it is easier to reinstall the operating system, while formatting the infected partition. You can also remove the hard drive and, for a fee, clean it from viruses in a specialized center or from a friend who has a licensed antivirus program.
Technical part
The computer may slow down due to heavy dirt and dust on its internal parts and assemblies. In this case, it is necessary to carefully disassemble the PC and carefully clean all visible dust spots with a small brush. Depending on the performance and specifics of the computer, sometimes it is necessary to change the thermal grease on the processor and video card. If you have the knowledge in this, you can start replacing the cooling paste personally, but otherwise, this work should be entrusted to a specialist.