Computer information can be presented in various file formats. Often not all of them are easy to use, and therefore require reformatting.

The Djvu format was created specifically for working with scanned documents. It is well known that such files take up a lot of hard disk space, and therefore the ability to compress was quickly appreciated by users.
Manuscripts, books, journals, formulas, graphs - all of this began to take up less space on the computer. However, not all users are familiar with this format and know how to handle it. They are the ones who need to reformat djvu into a more common version - pdf. And there are several ways to do this.
A wealth of options - a wealth of opportunities
Converting djvu to pdf is not that difficult using a wide range of software and online resources. For example, you can install FineReader on your computer. It is designed to work with scanned images. With its help, you can get a picture from the scanner and save it in the desired format.
However, not everyone knows that if you want, you can also just open the desired file, including djvu, turn on the "Recognition" function and then save it in the desired form, including pdf. This is fast enough in the presence of a powerful computer and is convenient, does not require special work skills.
If there is no desire to install the above-described program or it is not available, there is a way out. It is enough to have high-speed Internet and access to the resource. It is free and can be used even without knowledge of English. Intuitively, in the "Select file" column, you should select the source djvu file. And then click the "Convert!" Button. And the only thing left is to wait until the end of the resource. At the output, you can get either a pdf file, or just plain text, which can be easily "thrown" onto your reader and read like a regular book.
Equally interesting is It is free and in Russian. Allows you to convert not only Djvu to pdf, but also convert a lot of other formats to various other options. These can be Word documents, graphic images, and PowerPoint presentations. We can only envy the flexibility of the resource and wish the developers not to deviate from the chosen path.
Ease of conversion
Do not despair if you come across a file with the djvu extension. You can open it using the usual DjvuViewer utility or the like. It is realistic to assess the capabilities of the new format from the very first pages. A book, which in its usual form takes tens of megabytes, will turn into a minimum file of 5-6 MB in size.
Such opportunities are worth it to master the new format, which is becoming more and more popular, instead of converting.