HD video has the highest resolution and image quality, so you can create a professional movie even in ordinary home shooting conditions. To get really high quality video, you need a suitable camera and special software.
![How to make HD video How to make HD video](https://i.compthesaurus.com/images/052/image-153161-1-j.webp)
Step 1
Take advantage of quality shooting equipment. Of course, you can conduct it from an ordinary phone, since most of modern models are equipped with high-quality cameras, however, the best option is still an amateur or semi-professional digital video camera with the function of shooting in HD - High Definition format. This means that the output video will have a high resolution with crisp lines and pixels in the frame.
Step 2
Create suitable shooting conditions, otherwise the video will be blurry even in HD format. Make sure you have the right amount of light in the frame, and the shadows of people and objects do not obstruct your view. Make sure the camera is stable by using a tripod, shoulder or knee to prevent shaking. Avoid changing frames too abruptly, the rhythm and duration of the fragments should be maintained throughout the entire video. It is also desirable that there is no strong wind or extraneous noise, otherwise the impression of the picture will be spoiled by low-quality sound.
Step 3
Start processing video on your computer after shooting. To create a truly high-quality product, it is advisable to master at least one of the video editing programs and learn how to use the appropriate effects. Applications such as Pinnacle Studio, Adobe AfterEffects, Sony Vegas Pro and others will help you with this. The easiest to learn is Pinnacle, and the product from Adobe is already an advanced and professional software.
Step 4
Set the appropriate change of video fragments, as soon as they are located in the desired order, for example, in the form of fading or swiping, add image filters and various effects. Try adjusting the brightness and contrast to make your video more vibrant. Also, optionally add an intro and credits.