If your list of network connections contains those that have not been used for a long time and are simply no longer needed, you can delete them so as not to get confused. It doesn't take long and doesn't require any special knowledge.

Step 1
First of all, click the "Start" button, then "Control Panel". Find the "Network Connections" shortcut and launch it. If you have enabled category display mode, the shortcut will be in the "Network and Internet Connection" section. Find the one you want to delete in the list of connections.
Step 2
There are several limitations when deleting network connections. If the network connection you do not need is part of the network bridge, then remove the network bridge itself (which you can later recreate if you need it) before deleting it. You should not delete virtual connections created by network programs yourself (for example, virtual private network adapters created by OpenVPN or Hamachi) - they are removed by means of these programs. It also makes no sense to delete the connections of network cards and IEEE-1394 (Fire-Wire) adapters - they will still be recreated by the operating system at the next reboot. Some of the described connections simply cannot be deleted - the “delete” menu item is not available for them.
Step 3
Then just click on the connection with the right mouse button and select "delete"