Not all users use computers for resource-intensive games, processing videos and large photographs, and developing 3D models. For some, it is enough to go online, edit texts, process photographs taken by the phone, program a little. A very cheap and low-power computer is suitable for this.

Step 1
Save on processor power, but not on RAM. Choose a motherboard based on Intel Atom processor, VIA different models. It is not recommended to use AMD Geode: this processor is very low-powered, does not require a fan at all, while the other processors mentioned above require a fan, but very small.
Step 2
Make sure the motherboard is rated for relatively modern memory modules. Outdated modules of PC100, PC133 types with the same volume, oddly enough, are more expensive today than modern ones. Install at least a gigabyte of RAM. Even if the OS used is not resource-intensive, you have to reckon with the increased requirements of modern browsers.
Step 3
Give preference to a motherboard with integrated video, sound and network cards,
Step 4
Install a hard drive with a capacity of several tens of gigabytes. For users who do not need anything from a computer except the ability to visit websites, this is sometimes quite enough.
Step 5
If you wish, do not install an optical drive at all, since today mainly flash drives are used to transfer information from machine to machine. In this case, the operating system will also have to be installed from a USB flash drive, or by connecting an optical drive temporarily. If you intend to install several cheap computers in one room, it is enough to purchase one optical drive in order to use it in turn on different machines.
Step 6
Saving on the monitor is not always about saving on vision. Of course, it is better not to install a CRT monitor, which today can be purchased for only 700 rubles - it can tire your eyesight in just an hour. But a 15-inch LCD monitor, if it is used, is not much more expensive these days - about 1,500 rubles, while it almost does not tire your eyesight. In addition, it takes up very little space on the table and consumes little power.
Step 7
A significant proportion of the cost of a computer is the cost of software. This is especially true if the hardware of the machine is inexpensive. Install the Linux operating system on your computer, and you will receive a ready-made, fairly large set of programs for solving a wide range of tasks for free.