How To Turn On The D Drive

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How To Turn On The D Drive
How To Turn On The D Drive

While working on a computer, different situations happen. Sometimes incorrect operation of applications and crashes can lead to the fact that the operating system stops detecting one of the disks (D, E - the name depends on the number of disks installed on a particular computer). What can be done in this case?

How to turn on the D drive
How to turn on the D drive


Step 1

If you are sure that all the necessary disks are physically connected (all the necessary loops are in the connectors intended for them), check the disks through the "System" component. It can be called in several ways. First option: from the Start menu, open Control Panel, in the Performance and Maintenance category, select the System icon. Another option: from the "Desktop" click on the icon of the "My Computer" item with the right mouse button and select "Properties" from the drop-down menu.

Step 2

In the "System Properties" window that opens, go to the "Hardware" tab and click the "Device Manager" button in the group of the same name. A new window will open. Select the required disk from the list of available devices and double-click on it with the left mouse button to open its properties window. Click the General tab and make sure the Device Usage group is set to This device is in use (enabled).

Step 3

Call the component "Computer Management" and make sure that the disk is assigned the correct name (sometimes it happens that the letters "fly off"). To call the specified component, open the "Control Panel" from the "Start" menu. Under the Performance and Maintenance category, select the Administrative Tools icon and Computer Management shortcut. Also, this component can be accessed through the Documents and Settings folder. An example path might look like this: C: (or another system drive) / Documents and Settings / [user account] / Main menu / Programs / Administration.

Step 4

In the left part of the "Computer Management" window that opens, expand the "Storage Devices" item and select the "Disk Management" item with the left mouse button. In the right part of the window, select the drive you need from the list and right-click on it. In the drop-down menu, select the "Change drive letter or drive path" command. In the new window, select the current name and click on the "Change" button. In the additional window, use the drop-down list to assign the required letter, click the OK button and close the window.
