The world of technology is evolving, so today you can find flash drives even with 512 GB, but everything, of course, depends on your needs. Let's try to understand the main characteristics and choose a suitable USB flash drive.

Particular attention should be paid to the most important parameter of flash drives - the speed of reading and writing information. This is the most important parameter that must be taken into account. Many users do not even think about this characteristic, and very much in vain. If the user buys a cheap flash drive, he risks losing a lot of time reading and writing information. The fact that this parameter is important, you will see when you download a movie or iso image to it for about two hours.
The body of this device is also important. It must be simple and strong. The fewer moving parts on the flash drive, the better. If the flash drive slides out, then it most likely can break in just a couple of months.
The body must be flat. If the case is either convex, or with some patterns or curly images, then you most likely will not insert anything into the adjacent USB connector. For example, if you need to transfer files from one flash drive to another flash drive.
There is one very interesting parameter - recognition of the owner using fingerprints. It's everyone's business, but if you take a flash drive with such a degree of protection, then it's better to think about it: many complain about that recognition and errors. In general, there is no value from such a "gadget", but it costs a lot of money.
And, of course, you should take a flash drive with a USB 3.0 connector, as this will allow you to use high read and write speeds. The most popular manufacturers are rightfully considered: Silicon, Kingston and Transcend.