A large selection of shapes, materials and table sizes confuses the average user. On the one hand, there is nothing complicated about it. On the other hand, having bought a table that you just outwardly liked, it turns out that it is uncomfortable, or does not fit in size, and even a lot of money was spent.

- When deciding on the place where the table will stand, you need to see if direct sunlight will fall on the table and monitor. If yes, then you need to choose a different place, as this spoils the table and negatively affects the monitor. And if the rays pass in passing, then you can safely put on this place.
- Visually estimate how much free space will be. If it is not enough, then it will not be comfortable to sit at the table. In addition, it will have a bad effect on vision if it is not possible to establish a safe distance from the monitor to the eyes.
- The proximity of the socket to the table. The closer the power outlet is to the computer, the better. Firstly, it is safer since the wires will not get tangled under your feet. And secondly, it is more beautiful, that is, if you buy a beautiful table, and various wires are drawn to it, it will look unattractive.
Make all the necessary measurements, namely:
- It is necessary to measure those devices that will be in the table or on it. These devices include a printer, system unit, monitor, speaker system, etc.
- Measure doorways. This is necessary in order to decide whether to buy a table ready-made or to assemble it already at home, since it simply will not work as a whole.
- Needless to say, you need to measure the space allocated for the table. Otherwise, if you miscalculate, you will have to rearrange the table to another room, or redevelop the room.
When choosing a computer desk model, consider the important points:
- If the room where the table will stand is decorated in a certain style, then you need to choose a table for this style so as not to disturb it.
- If there is no color that suits you, you can use a tint effect. Or find out in the store what colors this or that model is available in.
- You need to make a choice, taking into account your financial capabilities.
Table quality:
- The table must be covered with a special film. This film protects against the exhalation of formaldehyde resins from the chipboard. In addition, such a coating increases wear resistance.
- To keep the table in its original form longer, you need to choose tables with edge edging. On these tables, edges and corners deteriorate much more slowly.
- Retractable parts must be made of metal.
And for those who often need to use CDs, this fact should be taken into account. And then either choose a table with a ready-made stand or shelf, or buy it separately, but at the same time calculate whether there is enough space for it. And if you need to hold pens, pencils, notepads, etc. next to the computer, then you need to look for a table with drawers or shelves. It is advisable to choose a shelf for a mouse and keyboard wider, so it will be much more convenient.
And the last thing. In order to finally decide which table is right for you, you need to sit at it. This will make it possible to appreciate the comfort and convenience of the table. Or to consult with someone who works at a computer often, such a person will tell from the height of his experience which table will be better.