To choose a game console, you must first of all be guided by its purpose - whether you will use it only for games, whether you need the functions of watching video and playing audio CDs, and so on. At the moment, the leading positions in the set-top box market are occupied by devices from Sony, Microsoft and Wii.

It is necessary
Internet access to review model specifications
Step 1
Decide for which games you are purchasing a game console. It is worth considering performance parameters here, especially in terms of graphics - many of the devices are focused on simple games, and some focus on performance. Also, you should consider the options for using their additional functions, some consoles are available not only for games, but also for watching movies.
Step 2
In case high performance, versatility and design are important to you, take a look at Sony PlayStation consoles. This console can be used not only for games, but also for playing audio and video discs. Despite the obvious advantages, this option has two significant disadvantages - a small game base at the moment and the inability to play discs with personal content.
Step 3
If you prefer simple games without demanding much from the graphics, consider the Nintendo Wii option. This console is great for casual kids' games and simple simulations, and it also has excellent compatibility with previous versions. Also, this set-top box has advantages in terms of price category. A significant drawback here is the inability to use it for watching movies and listening to audio, as well as the low level of graphics.
Step 4
In case you need something in between the first and second options, give preference to the Microsoft Xbox console. A significant plus of the Xbox is support for a huge number of video games. The graphics performance parameters are superior to those of Nintendo, however, a significant drawback is the low reliability of the device. Despite this, it is still the ideal balance of parameters such as quality, price and performance.