Buying a hard drive for your computer is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. You need to choose a hard drive that would fit the interface on the computer's motherboard. Otherwise, it cannot be installed there. You should also decide on the type of hard drive that will be purchased. In general, you need to take everything into account so that later there will be no problems with the installation and operation of the newly acquired hard drive.

It is necessary
Computer, hard drive
Step 1
Take the technical documentation for your computer and in the "motherboard" section find which interfaces for connecting a hard drive are present on it. Further - in more detail on the connection interfaces.
Step 2
If there is an ATA interface on the motherboard, then the hard drive must also be selected with the same interface. Today, such motherboards are not often found, and are already considered obsolete. But they are still there. If you have such a motherboard, then when buying a hard drive, tell the seller that you need a hard drive with just such an interface. Others will simply not work.
Step 3
If the motherboard has a SATA (Serial ATA) interface, there will be no problems with purchasing a hard drive. Hard drives for such an interface are available in any computer hardware store.
Step 4
Decide what type of hard drive you will purchase. Today, the most common is the HDD. Their capacity can be up to several terabytes of memory (one terabyte is equal to 1000 gigabytes). Such hard drives are very reliable and well protected from mechanical damage. The disadvantages include noise in operation and sometimes strong heating. But on request, you can additionally purchase a cooling system for hard drives.
Step 5
The second type of hard drives that fit the SATA interface is SSD. This is the newest type of hard drive available today. Its operating speed is higher than that of a HDD hard drive. The SSD hard drive is completely silent in operation, as it has no mechanical parts in its design. It heats up much less. In general, in all respects, it is better than HDD. Consider the fact that while it is much more expensive. For example, if you buy a 50 gigabyte SSD, you can buy one terabyte HDD for the same amount.
Step 6
Having learned the connection interface and choosing the type of hard drive, you can go to a computer hardware store and already unmistakably take the type of hard drive that will fit your computer.