Windows OS continues to retain the ability to use the DOS command emulator in standard distributions. However, descriptions of how to work on the command line are not so common now, and from time to time questions arise about which command and with which syntax should be used for relatively simple operations. One of these questions is how to switch to another disk in the terminal.

Step 1
Use the chdir command (from Change Directory) to switch between physical or virtual disks on your computer. The syntax allows you to use this command in shorthand - cd. To get complete help about this command, type the following text in the terminal: chdir /? Using this modifier (/?), You can get help not only about this, but also any other command.
Step 2
Add the / d modifier to the cd (or chdir) command to change the current drive. For example, to switch to drive E, type the following command: cd / d E: And the command to go to the root folder of the current drive does not require specifying anything other than a backslash: cd
Step 3
If you need to switch to any specific directory of another virtual or physical disk, you should specify the full path to it from the root directory of the new disk. For example, to go to the InnerFolder folder located in the OuterFolder folder of the D drive, the corresponding command should look like this: cd / d D: OuterFolderInnerFolder Each time it is not necessary to type long paths to the necessary directories in the terminal - you can use the copy and paste operations with the mouse. You can, for example, in the standard Windows explorer, copy the full path to the folder in the address bar, then switch to the command line terminal, right-click and select the paste operation from the context menu.
Step 4
If the name of the directory you want to switch to contains spaces, then not always specifying the full path to the desired folder will be sufficient. In some cases, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example: cd "D: Program Filesmsn gaming zone"
Step 5
Quotes are only needed when so-called "shell extensions" are enabled. They can be disabled with the appropriate command: cmd e: off