When the video card fails, the computer stops displaying the image on the monitor, making it difficult for the user to determine the exact cause of the malfunction. It is difficult to determine what is out of order - video card, processor or RAM. In such a situation, you can inspect the video card and use the self-diagnosis system specially provided for such a case.

It is necessary
Computer with graphics card, Phillips screwdriver
Step 1
Every modern personal computer is equipped with a self-diagnosis system POST, which is automatically started every time the computer is turned on. The check usually takes a few seconds. At the end of the test, the self-diagnostic system outputs information about the hardware configuration and faults, if any. The state of the computer is duplicated by a sound signal especially for those cases when due to a problem it is impossible to display a message on the monitor screen. If the computer is fully functional, the self-diagnostic system will emit one short beep, also called BEEP. If, in this case, you do not have an image on the monitor, then, most likely, the problem is in the connection of wires between the monitor and the video card, the monitor itself may not work or some settings in the BIOS are knocked down, but the video card itself did not burn out.
Step 2
If instead of one short BEEP beep, you hear a series of short and long beeps, then the POST system has detected some kind of malfunction. The beep emitted by the self-diagnosis system is a beep code that consists of long and short beeps. You need to calculate how many and what signals the self-diagnosis system emits at the end of the test. Then check this code against the beep error codes of your BIOS manufacturer. You can determine the manufacturer in the instructions for your motherboard. For the most common motherboard BIOS manufacturers, the video card fault codes are: - Award BIOS - 1 long and 2 short beeps - AMI BIOS - 1 long and 2 short beeps, 1 long and 3 short beep, 1 long and 8 short beeps, and 8 short beeps - Phoenix BIOS - This manufacturer's POST system uses alternating short and long beeps. The sequence 3-3-4 means a video memory test error and may indicate a malfunction of the video card itself.
Step 3
If your computer emits a corresponding sound signal, then the reason for the absence of an image on the monitor screen is in the video card. To check if the video card is burnt out or if its malfunction is related to something else, it must be inspected. This operation usually requires disassembling the computer and video card, which will void the warranty. Therefore, if you find a malfunction using the self-diagnosis system, contact the service center. If you are not afraid of losing your computer or video card warranty, remove it from your computer and remove the cooling heatsink. Examine the video card carefully for breakdowns of capacitors, dark burnt areas, tracks or device elements. Their presence means that your video card is burnt out.