No matter how high-quality the equipment is, no one is insured against breakdowns, even if there is a guarantee from the manufacturer. The motherboard is the most important component of the computer system unit. If a malfunction is found in it, thanks to some characteristic signs, you will be able to determine whether it was the motherboard that burned out or whether the breakdown of another part is to blame.

Step 1
If the computer does not boot when you turn on the computer, but the fans on the board rotate, check the system board microchips for overheating. Remove the cover of the system unit and touch your finger to these microcircuits. If they get very hot and burn your finger, most likely this is what caused the motherboard to fail.
Step 2
When you turn on your computer, listen for all sounds coming from it. If the machine turns off immediately after starting and then does not turn on, and at the same time a characteristic click or crackling sound is heard, this is a sign of a short circuit on the motherboard. One of the reasons for such a breakdown is in the contact of the conductive element of the part of interest to the case of the system unit.
Step 3
Also, a malfunction of the motherboard may be indicated by the complete absence of any sounds when starting the computer. If a single signal is heard, but the monitor screen does not turn on, check its connection to the video card and the connections of the video card to the connector on the motherboard. Then remove the RAM card from the slot and put it back in place. If the situation does not change after starting the computer, the motherboard needs to be replaced.
Step 4
There are times when the computer does not turn on or turns off under heavy load, for example, when running "heavy" games. This is one of the indicators of a malfunction in the processor power circuit on the motherboard or insufficient current supplied to it. To confirm or deny these versions, remove the motherboard from the system unit. If you see a darkened area on it, the reason lies in the prolonged overheating of the transistors on the board. You can replace them, but there is no guarantee that other elements will work properly. More often than not, all of these signs indicate that the motherboard is burned out.