Manufacturers of computer equipment are trying to satisfy all the needs of buyers, therefore they regularly present new samples of their products on the market. After the usual desktop computer, there was a laptop, and then a netbook, designed to make it easier for users to access the Internet.

The very term "netbook" was proposed by Intel - this is how they began to call small laptops with a simplified design. In particular, they do not have a DVD drive, which made it possible to reduce their size. Small weight and small dimensions allow the netbook to easily fit into a bag or briefcase. The main purpose of the device, as you might guess from its name, is to work on the Internet.
The screen size of most netbooks ranges from 10 to 11.6 inches, which is enough for comfortable browsing on the Internet. Connection to the network can be carried out in different ways - via USB-modem, Wi-Fi, LAN. Thanks to the use of wireless access, netbook owners can access the Internet from anywhere with a cellular connection or Wi-Fi access. Many models have BlueTooth.
Netbooks are equipped with hard drives up to 1 TB, but most often the volume is 250-320 GB. This is quite enough for comfortable work and saving all the necessary information and files, including movies, music, e-books, photographs.
Most netbooks run the Windows operating system, but there are quite a few models with Linux preinstalled. There are also netbooks with the popular Android operating system from Google and iOS from Apple.
The capabilities of the netbook allow you to solve most of the traditional tasks, namely: work with texts, photos, watch videos, listen to music. You can play various video games quite comfortably on it. But the main purpose of this device is still working on the Internet. The netbook consumes a small amount of energy, the battery charge lasts for 5-7 hours of surfing the network. It is the long battery life that is the main advantage of a netbook over a laptop.
The main disadvantage of the netbook is the lack of a built-in DVD drive. But you can connect an external drive, which allows you to watch movies from CDs, install programs, copy the necessary files. You can also transfer information using a flash drive. In many cases, a netbook is more convenient and more functional than a laptop, not to mention a desktop computer.