Modern laptop models are powered by two types of rechargeable batteries - lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium-polymer batteries. All these batteries suffer from one drawback - limited service life. But in the event of the "death" of your laptop battery, you can reanimate it on your own.

Step 1
Before starting repair work, you must remove the battery pack and carefully disassemble the plastic case. Inside there are 4 pairs of elements. Elements in a pair are connected in parallel, the pairs themselves are serially connected.
Step 2
It is necessary to connect the load to the tested set of battery cells, and then check the voltage. As a load, we use an ordinary car light bulb with a power consumption of 20 watts.
Step 3
We visually determine the intensity of the light bulb and in parallel we check the voltage with a digital multimeter. The voltage of each pair should be about 3, 2-4, 0 V. If the voltage is within these limits, then the controller needs to be repaired. This device has complete control over the charge-discharge mode of the battery.
Step 4
If the indicator is low, it is necessary to check each element separately. First, we unsolder the controller board from the laptop battery, having previously sketched the connection diagram. To correctly determine the performance of each element in a pair, it is necessary to disconnect each pair of elements by cutting the metal connecting strips on each side of the poles.
Step 5
You will need a light bulb as a load element and a multimeter. We connect the light bulb directly to the multimeter and measure the voltage of each element, which should be in the range of 1, 7-2, 0 V. A significant decrease in voltage or its absence at all indicates the need to replace the faulty element. After completing the diagnostics of the elements, we reject not serviceable elements, but serviceable ones, it is necessary to discharge them by connecting a light bulb to them.
Step 6
Further, it is necessary to purchase new elements of the same type and discharge them. If you do not follow this procedure, then the controller board will incorrectly determine the charge level of the new set of elements.
Step 7
After completing this operation and soldering all the contacts and the controller board, you can start checking the operation of the updated battery with the controller, which should control the laptop battery charge from scratch.