Inkjet and laser cartridges sometimes fail. The easiest way is to take the cartridge to a repair shop, but first you can try to fix the problem yourself.

Step 1
The main problem with inkjet cartridges is the drying out of the print head. This happens if the printer is not used for some time. At the same time, if you have not printed anything for one or two weeks, the chances of restoring it to work are quite high, but if the downtime is several months, it will be problematic to do this.
Step 2
Place a newspaper on the table. Pour alcohol or vodka into the can lid and lower the cartridge into it with the print head down for several hours. After that, take the syringe, insert it into the hole of the cartridge and try to blow out with strong movements of the piston.
Step 3
If the previous method doesn't work, try another one. Put the kettle on fire. When the water boils, place the dried cartridge head under the steam jet and hold it for about 5 seconds. Be careful not to burn yourself. Wipe the head with a tissue, then repeat the procedure again. Repeat this step three to four times and then purge the cartridge with a syringe. Be careful - overexposing the cartridge to the jet of steam can damage it.
Step 4
To recover a badly dried cartridge, rinse it sequentially in several solutions. The composition of the first, acidic: 10% of the essence of acetic acid, 10% of alcohol, 80% of distilled water. Second, neutral: 10% glycerin, 10% alcohol, 80% distilled water. Third, alkaline: 10% ammonia, 10% alcohol, 10% glycerin, 70% distilled water. Keep the printhead in each solution for at least 24 hours, then purge it with a syringe. When working with acidic and alkaline solutions, be careful not to get them in the eyes.
Step 5
The main malfunctions of cartridges for laser printers are manifested in the appearance of streaks or smudges on the printed sheet. These problems are common with older cartridges, usually the photosensitive drum and squeegee fail. The drum may deteriorate if you leave it exposed to light for a long time while refilling the cartridge or touch the light-sensitive layer with your hands.
Step 6
You can try to repair the drum unit by gently wiping it with a lint-free cloth. It is not recommended to use any liquids other than isopropyl alcohol for wiping. If there is no alcohol, wipe with a dry cloth. If printed text shows horizontal white streaks from light striking the drum unit, keep it in the dark for several hours.
Step 7
When replacing the light-sensitive drum, replace the squeegee immediately. First, carefully pull out the sleeve securing the drum with pliers, slide the protective shutter, spread the halves of the cartridge and use the gear to remove it.
Step 8
To replace the squeegee, separate the cartridge halves by pulling out the retaining pins. Sometimes, to remove the pins, you have to trim the plastic around them to expose the tips. Pull the pins out and separate the cartridge halves.
Step 9
The squeegee is fastened with screws and is a metal plate with a soft transparent rubber band. Unscrew the screws, remove the squeegee and replace it with a new one. Reassemble the cartridge in the reverse order, making sure to shake the debris out of the compartment. Do not remove the new drum unit from the light-tight packaging until you install it. Grasp it only by the gear, without touching the light-sensitive layer.
Step 10
Refill the cartridge immediately; to do this, remove the end cap on the half with the handle, usually it is fastened with one screw. Under it you will find a filler neck closed with a plastic stopper. Open it and add toner. Do not fill the cartridge hopper completely, otherwise damage may result.