Surge protectors should be used to protect consumer electronics, computers, and peripherals. The main purpose of this equipment is protection against voltage surges.

Step 1
First, decide which devices you plan to protect with surge protectors. If you plan to connect only one device to the filter, such as a plasma display, choose portable equipment that looks like a regular outlet. This filter does not have a cord and connects directly to the AC mains.

Step 2
To install the filter in the office, purchase equipment similar to a conventional extension cord. Most often, they have built-in special sensors that determine the input voltage and pulse. In the event of sudden surges, such devices are simply turned off.

Step 3
Use basic filters for small consumer electronics. It should be noted right away that cheap models of such devices are actually disposable. Those. in the event of a sharp voltage surge, the built-in transistor burns out in them. The device then becomes unusable.
Step 4
If you plan to connect a desktop computer and peripheral devices to the surge protector, select equipment with an advanced level of protection (Hote). These filters are capable of dissipating large enough pulses to save an expensive computer.
Step 5
When connecting a home theater or hi-fi speaker, it makes sense to use filters with a professional level of protection. These devices have a high level of sensitivity and provide an almost stable voltage. Purchase such a filter to connect particularly sensitive equipment.
Step 6
Pay attention to the look and design of the device. There are models that are designed for wall mounting. In addition, you can often find surge protectors designed to connect a large number of large plugs. When connecting a large number of devices, be sure to consider the maximum output power of the filter.