The laptop screen and its filling are very "sensitive", and there is always the possibility of accidentally causing any damage to them. To protect the working tool from various scratches and defects, you can stick on a protective film.

Dangers to the laptop
A few years ago, couch and TV were the best "friends" for couch potatoes. Today, this baton has already been taken over by a computer with access to the Internet. Although the more popular "friends" for those who like to stay at home are still laptops.
All current devices have a fairly high degree of strength. Laptops are no exception. But, no matter how high-quality a laptop is, it is not protected from various situations that can disable it.
The first and foremost danger to a laptop is tea, coffee and other drinks. Liquid entering the inside of the Notebook PC may cause a short circuit. Because of this, first of all, the keyboard, as well as the motherboard, may fail. Repairing a laptop with such a breakdown can cost a little less than the cost of a new laptop. And if other components are damaged, it will be much more expensive to fix. Besides, besides the fact that you have to buy a new laptop, there is still a problem with data recovery on the hard drive.
Dust is no less dangerous for a laptop. Dust getting inside the device accelerates the wear of its mechanical filling. Dust can contaminate the keyboard and interfere with the cooler's operation, which usually leads to rapid heating of the case.
But most of all, the laptop screen needs protection, on which various scratches and scuffs appear over time. Even such minor defects can greatly affect the image quality. To preserve the appearance of the screen for a long time, you can use a simple and reliable way - a special film.
How to glue the protective film
Before you decide to stick a special film, you need to wash your hands in order to eliminate the likelihood of fatty prints on the screen. Then you need to clean the laptop screen with a special cloth from dust particles.
Taking the film, you need to carefully separate its duplicating layer by a few centimeters, and attach the sticky part to the upper edge of the display. Next, peeling off the unnecessary layer, cover the laptop screen with it. In order for the film to lay on the surface of the screen smoothly and without air pockets, during gluing, you need to smooth out the protective film (for example, using a plastic card).
There is a chance that the film will not lay down correctly the first time. In this case, you can peel it off, rinse it under water (if fine lint has adhered) and dry it with a hairdryer. The protective film is glued wet in the same way as dry, only in this case it will take more time and patience.