A few years ago, cathode ray tube monitors were completely replaced by flat screen models, few people suspected that curved screens would make a comeback. When should you buy such equipment and what are its pros and cons?

Curved monitors - buy or not
The most popular are flat screen monitors. Curved monitor screens eliminate image distortion. How is this possible? This monitor design is more natural to the human eye. Thanks to Curved technology, the image appears larger and the eyes are less tired, even if you look at the monitor for hours.
For those using curved monitors, depth and clarity are emphasized. Curved monitors also have disadvantages. For example, such screens will perform their task only if the user is sitting in front of the monitor in the center. It is impossible to play a game with a lot of people in front of such a screen. In addition, such monitors are not cheap, and also have a small assortment compared to flat screens.
Why Choose a Flat Screen Monitor
Most gamers choose flat screen monitors due to their relatively low cost. A monitor with a curved screen costs several times more than a flat one with similar parameters. Although, in this aspect, changes can be expected over the coming years. All new technologies become standard over time and are more accessible to a wide range of users.
A flat screen monitor can be placed where you want - on an elevation, on the edge of the tabletop, or directly in front of you, unlike Curved screens. A curved monitor only does its job when it is positioned directly in front of you, at your level of vision. The flat screen can be used by a group of people at once when playing games in multiplayer mode, which is excluded when using a curved monitor.
Flat screens also have disadvantages: more eye fatigue, a lot of glare, the image is less clear and deep than in curved monitors. Despite this, flat monitors are still more popular than curved monitors.
Curved or flat - which monitor to choose
Which monitor should you choose for gaming? First of all, you should think about the purpose for which it is purchased. If you play alone, often and throughout the day, a curved screen is the way to go. If you occasionally sit down at the computer, mainly in the evenings and appreciate the opportunity to play in a group, it is enough to purchase a flat-screen monitor. Curved gaming monitors will also be appreciated by people who work every day in office applications. The eyes will be less tired, which will have a positive effect on your health.