Gone are the CD drives. Already today we can observe that these devices are simply not installed on new PCs and laptops. Why do you need bulky drives when it makes more sense to install an additional hard drive. It takes up less space, but adds permanent memory to the computer. But if you need to install the system, you have to find a way - either use an external drive or a flash drive. The second option is preferable, since the data exchange speed is higher (the installation will be faster). But how to write the system image to a USB flash drive correctly?

Most often, users use the UltraISO program to create a bootable USB flash drive. However, any program for working with images allows you to write to a USB flash drive. If you have a fast computer, then the whole procedure of creating a bootable drive will take literally a few minutes. But first you need to download the software from the official website and install it.
How to make a bootable USB flash drive in UltraISO?
Open the program as administrator and familiarize yourself with the interface, then perform the following manipulations:
- Open the operating system installation image that you want to write to the flash drive. To do this, press the hot keys Ctrl + O or "File" - "Open".
Specify the folder where the image is located. Select it and double-click on it with the left mouse button (or press the "Open" button).
Ultra iso flash drive boot disk - Now you can start the recording procedure. To do this, click on "Boot" - "Burn hard disk image".
In the drop-down list, now you need to select the drive to which you plan to write the image. Do not change the recording method (USB-HDD +). Now you can click on the "Burn" button. Please note that all data on the flash drive will be destroyed. Therefore, if there is any data on it, it must be saved. True, the program will warn you about this - carefully read the text on the pop-up windows if you are using ultraiso for the first time.
Writing a system image to a USB flash drive - The recording lasts from a few minutes to an hour or more. It all depends on the power of the laptop or computer, as well as the recording speed.
- As soon as the recording is over, the program will notify you about it.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in writing an existing image to a USB flash drive. With the same program, you can copy a DVD disc.
What if there is no image, but there is a disc with a licensed system?
In this case, you will be able to write the image to a USB flash drive, but you will need an optical disc drive. Install the media with the recorded system into it, then open the UltraISO program. The algorithm is the same as in the previous manual, but in point 2 there is one amendment: click "File" - "Open DVD". The rest of the items are unchanged. Copying files depends on the read speed of the drive.
What if you only have a folder with files?
And the last option for writing a bootable flash drive is if you copied files from a licensed disk. To do this, perform the following manipulations:
- Run the program, click "File" - "New" - "Bootable DVD image".
- In the window that appears, you need to specify the exact path to the OS distribution kit (look for it in the boot folder - the bootfix.bin file).
- In the lower UltraISO window, select the folder with the system files, move them up. If the indicator on the right turns out to be colored red, you need to click on it and select item "4, 7".
- Writing to a USB flash drive is performed in the same way as in the first instruction.
If you suddenly failed to create a bootable USB flash drive in UltraISO, repeat the procedure again, carefully reading all the prompts.