How To Sharpen A Photo?

How To Sharpen A Photo?
How To Sharpen A Photo?

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The sharpness of the contours of a photograph directly determines how we perceive a photograph. The sharper the outline, the clearer and more expressive the photo appears. There are several methods you can use to sharpen your photo. However, the simplest and most affordable is to use the Adobe Photoshop program.

How to sharpen a photo?
How to sharpen a photo?


Step 1

Open the photo you want to process in Adobe Photoshop. Check if the photo layer is blocked. Keep in mind that not every photo can be enhanced with this method. For example, if the photo is heavily blurred, this function will not help.

Step 2

Select the entire photo by pressing ctrl + A. In some cases, this may not be done. But if you suddenly notice that the filter has no effect on the photo, then select it all and repeat the action.

Step 3

Go to the "filters" tab, which is located at the top of the screen. Here are collected all the filters available to you for processing a photo. Find the "Sharpness" section among the filters.

Step 4

In the Sharpness section, we are interested in contour sharpness. Select Sharpening Unsharpening. A menu will open in front of you, which contains a piece of the photo. This site works like a lens. That is, you can move it around the photo and see the contours as you zoom in.


Step 5

We have the ability to adjust the effect, radius and threshold. "Effect" determines the sharpness of large outlines. "Radius" determines the sharpness of small outlines, or, shall we say, the clarity of each point. Threshold specifies how much the outline can be blurred or smooth the blur effect. Use the sliders to set the desired level of filter impact on the photo. Mission accomplished!
