We all know that free cheese is only in a mousetrap, so when a hosting company offers a future website owner to use free hosting, he has an ambivalent feeling - on the one hand, the joy of being able to get what you need for free, on the other hand, alertness. So is free hosting worth it?

It is clear that there will be no truly free hosting. A company that provides hosting without a fee should earn something and, most likely, it will be advertising, additional paid services, or a combination of the first and the second. Thus, free hosting cannot be called such in the literal sense of the word; a more accurate expression would be “conditionally free hosting”.
That is, if you choose such a hosting to host your site, you will have to endure the presence of third-party advertising. And it's not a fact that it won't be enough, so if you choose free hosting, then only one where there will be one or two small neat banners that will not cover the entire page of the site.
It is also important to remember that the possibilities of free hosting are less than paid, that is, if the site is made only in HTML, then everything will work fine. But if you need php support, it may not be there, and it may also not be possible to create databases, which is necessary, for example, for the operation of online stores (and not only).
Another disadvantage of free hosting is the very limited space for hosting site files. Of course, you can use file exchangers at the initial stages, but as practice shows, if a site is created for a long life and successful promotion, then such methods are not very convenient. Thus, for commercial sites, it is definitely better to choose hosters that offer flexible tariff plans, the options of which can be added to your own. But if the site remains a home page (a page about yourself, your profession, your hobby, etc.), then free hosting would be a fairly reasonable choice.