The most common use for a tablet is surfing the internet. Therefore, novice users often have the question of how to connect their tablet to the network. Since this gadget is a mobile device, the connection can only be made using a wireless connection: Wi-Fi or 3G / 4G.

First of all, it should be noted that the connection setting may differ depending on the manufacturer and model of the tablet, as well as on the telecom operator.
Any, even the cheapest tablet has a Wi-Fi module. Therefore, connecting to the Internet using it is the easiest way. To do this, you need to turn on Wi-Fi in the network settings of your tablet. A few seconds after that, a list of available networks will be displayed on the screen. From them, you should choose your own network or any open network with the highest possible signal. If a password is requested for access, it must be entered. The tablet will remember the password for this network and will not require it in the future. Also, when connecting, you can put a tick in the "connect automatically" box so that in the future the tablet will connect to this network as soon as it "sees" it.
Another way to connect your tablet to the Internet is to use a 3G modem. The principle of connection is the same as for cell phones - using a SIM card and a cellular operator. The modem can be built-in or external, connected via a USB port. The SIM card is either inserted into a special slot on the tablet or into an external modem. To connect, in the settings of the cellular network, you must check the box "Data transmission". After that, the modem will automatically connect to the Internet. In case of any difficulties, specific settings can be viewed on the operator's website.
If you are using an external modem, you may need to create a new APN point in the tablet's network settings. In this case, if the modem was purchased from a telecom operator, the APN settings will be entered automatically. Otherwise, they will have to be entered manually. The settings can also be taken on the operator's website. Next, you need to save the data, after which the 3G icon should light up on the tablet screen. Now the internet should work.
It is also possible that the external modem will need to be set to modem only mode. To do this, you can use the program “3G Modem Mode Switcher for ZTE and Huawei”.
As you can see, connecting the tablet to the Internet is not difficult. Anyone can cope with this without any problems, even a novice user.