Which Is Better SSD Or HDD

Which Is Better SSD Or HDD
Which Is Better SSD Or HDD

Buying a computer hard drive always comes with a number of decisions to make. It is not only the storage capacity and cost that matters, but also the type of disk. When we choose a hard drive for a computer, the choice is between an HDD and an SSD.


HDD and SSD - differences and characteristics

To decide which is better - SSD or HDD, you should investigate the characteristics, properties and parameters of both options.

The hard disk drive HDD has movable platters and a head capable of recognizing the data recorded on it. The internals are movable, so hard drives run louder, and given this design, they are also larger, heavier and slower than SSDs. What are the advantages and disadvantages of HDD hard drives?

  • low price;
  • a very large volume is possible;
  • good value for money compared to SSD.
  • accident rate due to possible damage to moving parts;
  • works noisily;
  • low speed of reading and writing.

SSD is a solid state drive with a compact size. We won't find heads or spinning plates in it, as the SSD is based on mobile NAND media. SSDs are lightweight, compact, and fast to work with, but they also have some drawbacks.

  • compact size;
  • simple design with no moving parts - less chance of breakage;
  • high performance.
  • works quietly due to the absence of moving parts.
  • high price;
  • the price-to-volume ratio is worse than HDD.

SSD or HDD - which should you choose?

If SSDs cost as much as hard drives of the same capacity, it is likely that SSDs would replace traditional hard drives. However, the prices are very different, which makes the buyer think about the choice.

  • The price is not an obstacle - you can safely buy a modern, less emergency and "fast" drive.
  • You are looking for a disk for the operating system and programs - the use of SSD greatly speeds up the launch of the system, programs and games, which increases the comfort of using the computer.
  • You are looking for a drive that will run silently.
  • You have a low budget. On a tight budget, it's worth sticking to a hard drive, especially in a situation where a large capacity drive is needed.
  • When looking for a disk to archive data.
  • When you need a disk for an old computer, which already does not work at a "breakneck" speed due to old components.

Should I connect both drives to one PC?

Instead of choosing between SSD and HDD, consider buying both types of drives. SSD and HDD in the same computer is a combination that can increase system startup speed and storage capacity at the same time.

SSD + HDD is the choice to save money. If you need a disk with a total capacity of 1.5 TB, buying an SSD would cost you 30,000 rubles. The same disk capacity can be obtained by purchasing an SSD (for example, 512 GB for about 6,500-9,000 rubles) and a hard drive (for example, with a volume of 1 TB for 3,000-5,000 rubles). Thus, you will save money more than twice.

An SSD should be used to install the operating system, programs, and games. And the hard drive is perfect for storing and archiving large amounts of data.
