A flash-based drive called an SSD is good for everyone. Fast read / write speed, no moving parts, instant Windows boot. But it also has its own Achilles heel - a limited resource of rewrite cycles. Hence the following five important points.

Step 1
Do not use defragmentation on this drive! Defragmentation does not help this type of disk in any way, since they do not have moving magnetic heads. Reading from blocks scattered in different parts of the disk does not entail a decrease in the speed of work.
Moreover, defragmentation is even harmful to SSDs, as it wastes an already limited rewrite resource.
Step 2
Do not use this drive to store frequently changing files. Due to the limited rewriting resource, it is harmful for this disk to store frequently overwritten files. Try to send the paging file, temporary files directory and browser cache to the disk of a conventional magnetic system.
Step 3
Do not fill the SSD more than 75% of its capacity. Numerous tests by various specialists have shown that above this mark, the speed of the disk is sharply reduced. The reason is that if there is a lot of free space on the SSD, then there are also many free blocks. And writing to free blocks is much faster than writing to partially occupied ones.
A lot of free space means a lot of free blocks and the write speed is faster. Low space - many partially filled blocks and slower write speed.
Step 4
Don't store large, rarely needed files like movies and music on the SSD. You will not get any gain during playback, and valuable disk space is occupied. If possible, store movies on a different drive or external drive. If not, then delete them immediately after viewing.
Step 5
SSD only works effectively on new operating systems released in the last 3 years. These are Windows 7 and 8.1, fresh builds of Linux. You won't get good results on older systems.