Wimax is a relatively new technology for accessing the wireless Internet using devices that contain a special type of modem in their configuration. Sometimes it happens that the speed drops due to a weak antenna signal. This problem is solvable.

an additional antenna to enhance the signal quality or an extender for the modem
Step 1
Try changing your location to a more open area. The absence of physical barriers has a positive effect on the reception and transmission of data using Wimax. Also, the problem may lie in your being in the so-called "dead zones", where the network is simply not available. It is also quite possible that the quality of reception and transmission of data over the network in large buildings and structures with thick walls decreases.
Step 2
Find out how far you are from the access point and, if possible, reduce it. This will make it much easier for your device to pick up the source signal, and the network speed will noticeably increase. However, such an option. naturally, it is not convenient for everyone.
Step 3
In cases where the Wimax signal is very weak in your area, buy additional equipment to increase the signal. Everyone knows that walls and other obstructions interfere with the exchange of information, so buy a special extension cord for your modem. Please note that its length is sufficient to position the modem next to a window. These devices have a USB interface and are very easy to use.
Step 4
Change your equipment to a newer and more powerful one, and also take advantage of the purchase of various amplifiers for data transmission using wireless technologies. At the moment, the leading manufacturer of such devices is Yota. The market also offers you various antennas for cars so that the signal quality is maintained as you move.
Step 5
If you often notice an unreasonable decrease in the signal quality, contact the service center, it is possible that your equipment is defective. Also try reinstalling the software on your computer or figuring out what else the problem might be.