To play music, a computer is more often used than music centers or specialized players. It is understandable - neither recording on special media nor the use of a special audio format is required. A speaker system of the quality that suits you is enough. In order to amplify the sound on your computer, you can use one of the simple methods.

Step 1
The easiest way is to change certain settings on your computer related to the player you are using to play music. Change the equalizer settings so that all frequency levels are maximized. Also, increase all sound levels, including player settings, computer settings and specialized settings for your sound card.
Step 2
Install special software that matches your sound card. In this case, you can either use special sound effects or boost certain frequencies. In addition, you can also increase the overall volume level. In order to install the necessary software, you need to select exactly the one that suits your sound card.
Step 3
Also, you can increase the volume of the music being played using the music editor. In this case, download and install any audio editor, preferably Sony Sound Forge or Adobe Audition. Normalize the track to the level you need. Save the processing results periodically in order to track the processing results by playing them outside the music editor.