3D modeling is a very painstaking, but at the same time, interesting and highly paid work, and everyone is free to choose how to receive rewards for their work. Someone gets a job in a design studio and receives a fixed salary, someone lives on the profit from their own projects, and someone prefers to be a freelancer, to model only what he likes and sell finished work.

Computer, ready-made 3D model, reliable network access, internet wallet, accounts on 3D model exchanges
Step 1
Try selling your 3D model on one of the many websites created specifically for this purpose, such as turbosquid.com, presto3d.com, or tutorials3d.com. The main thing is to determine for yourself how your creation can interest buyers, because today you can find thousands of similar models in free and free access on the network, and it is not a fact that what you are asking for money for is not just better, but at least differs from many other works. In this case, there is too great a risk of wasting time and being left with nothing.

Step 2
On freelance exchanges such as freelance.ru, free-lance.ru or weblancer.net, 3D modeling services are in great demand. Therefore, if you create a high-quality and attractive portfolio there, then it is quite possible that your models will be snapped up. Even if this does not happen, then with the proper level of work and the application of some efforts on your part, you will find a worthy and permanent customer.

Step 3
Submit photos of your work to 3D modeling resources. There are very often those who need good models for quite decent money.

Step 4
It is also very profitable to sell not so much the models themselves as their images through photo banks. The beauty of this method lies in the fact that the model can be fixed from different angles and in different scenes, i.e. get several unique photographs from one work. Many people deliberately create models in order to make a profit in this way.