To sell a printer, desire alone is not enough. It is necessary to draw up a competent ad, properly prepare the printer for sale and prepare yourself for meeting with customers.

Step 1
Before selling your printer, please pre-sell it. To do this, tidy up the appearance, check the operability of its components, the integrity of the cables with which the printer is connected to the computer. Make sure you have the box, documents for the device, and instructions for use. The complete kit is more attractive to potential buyers.
Step 2
Place an advertisement for the sale of your printer. One option could be a free classifieds newspaper. Indicate the brand of the sold printer, its model, describe in more detail the state in which it is located. If desired, indicate the reason why you are selling the printer. It is also advisable to immediately determine the price and indicate it. If you assume a possible bargaining - write about it. Such ads are more informative, which will allow you to receive calls only from those who are specifically interested in your offer.
Step 3
Another option for placing an ad is the Internet. It provides a wide field for action. Place an advertisement for the sale of the printer on your page in the social network, in your blog. A good option would be to post on several popular city forums in thematic sections. Firstly, the efficiency increases - information on the sale will appear immediately, there is no need to wait for the issue of the newspaper. Secondly, your ad can be read by a large number of interested users.
Step 4
When meeting with a potential buyer, answer all questions truthfully and clearly. Demonstrate the performance of the printer you are selling. If there are any appearance flaws or malfunctions, please report it honestly. It will be much more annoying if it is revealed later. Then, most likely, they will not buy a printer from you: it is not known what else you are hiding from the buyer. Be bold. If you feel that the price is significantly understated, it is better to refuse to sell. There will certainly be at least one honest buyer.