The matrix of a laptop is one of its most vulnerable and expensive parts. But sometimes a situation arises when the laptop itself fails, it is not advisable to repair it, for one reason or another. If the computer matrix is well preserved, you can try to sell it.

Step 1
It is very easy to damage the laptop matrix. As a rule, the main reason for its failure is the closing of the laptop lid in a situation where there is an object on the keyboard - for example, a pencil or a fountain pen. It is impossible to restore the damaged matrix, the only repair option remains - its replacement. Matrices fail quite often, so there is always a demand for them.
Step 2
Before trying to sell a matrix, estimate its real value. To do this, determine the type of matrix, this can be done according to laptop documents or by finding the relevant information on the network. After that, find information on the Internet about the sale of similar components. As a rule, a new matrix for a laptop costs from 3 to 7 thousand rubles, the price depends on its size and characteristics.
Step 3
A used matrix will certainly cost less than a new one; its specific price depends on the level of preservation. As a rule, when buying from hand, they usually look only at the condition of the screen surface, since it is impossible to check the health of the matrix without installation. Therefore, before selling, make sure that the surface of the screen is absolutely clean. Use special cleaning wipes to clean it up.
Step 4
There are several ways to sell a matrix. The easiest way is to take it to a service center, but in this case, you can sell it at a very low price. It is unprofitable for repair shops to buy used parts at high prices, so you can count on no more than two-thirds of its cost, taking into account wear and tear. For example, if a new matrix costs 3 thousand rubles, a used one costs 2, then at best you will be given 1, 5 thousand rubles for it.
Step 5
Place an advertisement in the newspaper for the sale of the matrix, indicate the types of laptops to which it is suitable. The information you need can be found online. Specify the price immediately, this will save you unnecessary calls. The probability that there will be a buyer for the matrix is quite high.
Step 6
If you live in a major city, advertise the sale on popular city sites. Be sure to attach a high-quality photo of the matrix. Do not forget that the availability of buyers directly depends on how profitable the goods will be served. So make sure your photography is professional. As a last resort, find a high-quality image of the matrix on the net.