Don't feel like you need to be an experienced programmer or marketer to sell your software. This is a deep misconception, because if you are not a beginner and already know how to write programs, you may well sell them. Of course, this business has its own difficulties, but overcoming them, you can make good money.

Internet, computer, programs for sale
Step 1
First, decide what you want to sell and at what price. Evaluate the relevance of the software you have created and the proposals of competitors. If your product does not stand out among others like it, make it more attractive to the buyer - add free updates, some nice buns, etc.
Step 2
Decide how you will receive payment for your product. One of the ways is through WebMoney. To do this, register on their official website ( and start your own virtual wallet. Another way is through a bank. To do this, open a personal account with the bank and send the details to your customers to pay for the goods using them.
Step 3
Now decide where you will put the item up for sale. There are several options. The first one is to put the software sold in the public domain on one of the registrars (or it is possible on several at once), for example on Block the use of programs with code to prevent illegal use. After the money is credited to the account, send the customer the program unlock code.
Step 4
Another option is to create an online store through a special Internet service (for example, through and put your software there for sale. This site provides its users with great opportunities to create their stores on the network. Customize it according to your requirements. In the same place, create a catalog of goods for sale and define a payment method. If you need it, create an ad and find potential buyers.
Step 5
The last option is to create your own website with your own hands. It can be a complicated and time-consuming process, but it is cheaper and more convenient. Sell several copies of your programs and this will completely pay for the hosting, and the issues of the site will fall on the shoulders of the providers. Design it as an online store, make it convenient for customers, be sure to specify the payment methods. Create protection against hacking - this will provide a guarantee that for some time the software you have developed does not appear on the network without your knowledge.