What The Computer System Unit Consists Of

What The Computer System Unit Consists Of
What The Computer System Unit Consists Of

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The vast majority of modern personal computers have a similar configuration. We are talking about both IMB-compatible PCs and Apple products. To fully understand how your computer works, you need to not only know what it consists of, but also be aware of the purpose of each of the basic elements.

What the computer system unit consists of
What the computer system unit consists of


Step 1

First, you need to consider the motherboard of your personal computer. This device is often referred to as a "motherboard". This equipment is the link between the rest of the PC elements. It is to the motherboard that not only all internal devices are connected, but also the vast majority of peripheral equipment (mouse, keyboard, printers, etc.). Distinctive features of the motherboard:

-slot (socket) processor

-type of RAM

type of video card

-type of hard drives.


Step 2

An equally important device is the central processor. The speed of the computer directly depends on this element. The CPU processes the incoming information and transfers it to the video card and other devices. Currently, more than a dozen different types of central processing units are actively used. The main manufacturers are Intel and AMD.


Step 3

RAM. This type of memory is intended for temporary storage of information coming mainly from the central processor. Lack of RAM significantly reduces the speed of the PC. instead, the hard disk memory is activated.


Step 4

The hard disk is the main storage of information on the computer. Files are retained on the storage media even after the power of the PC is turned off. Modern computers use hard disks with the Sata interface, which differ in the amount of information and the speed of its processing.


Step 5

The video card is a separate board, the purpose of which is to convert the received information into a video signal. It should be noted right away that there are video adapters integrated into the motherboard. As a rule, their characteristics are significantly lower than discrete (separate) modules. The vast majority of video cards have a PCI-Express interface.


Step 6

There may be other devices inside the system unit, such as: network adapters for connecting to wired and wireless networks; sound cards required to output a sound signal; various special purpose modules. It is important to note that modern motherboards often include the above modules.
