Seeing the interlocutor on the screen, and not just his words, typed in a hurry and decorated with strange emoticons is pleasant. Skype gives everyone this opportunity. However, sometimes you want to get rid of the annoying interlocutor by removing him from the contact.

Virtual communication made it possible for a person to break off contact with any person without much fear of offending. You communicate, share opinions, and then, if not destiny, just with a few swings of the mouse send a person to the black list or to oblivion forever. How it's done?
No interlocutor - no problem
Skype Technologies itself was founded in 2003. Since then, she has come a long way of changes, modifications, improvements. It has recently been taken over by the software giant Microsoft. Her further fate seems to be very interesting. And now about deleting users.
If you have not done it, think about it, if you have done it, forget it. If you are not sure - do not delete, but delete - say goodbye forever.
The easiest and most optimal way to delete a person is to click on his contact in the list and select the "Delete contact" line from the drop-down menu. The method is quite reliable, of high quality and eliminates a lot of problems. Sometimes it happens that the line "Delete contact" is simply not there. Then you should select "Block", and then "Delete".
From a reliability standpoint, simply removing a person from your contact list is somewhat faster than blocking. However, imagine a situation when an annoying interlocutor, in the heat of an argument, tries to insist on his own and is already decently heated. Once you delete it, it will not keep it from reappearing. It will continue to arise out of nothingness, since there will be no reliable protection against being completely removed from virtual communication.
This is where the "Block" option comes in handy. It is akin to a blacklist in the well-known ICQ communication messenger. As soon as such a person becomes blocked with you, it will take him much longer to reappear, since a new registration is already needed here, which not everyone will dare to do.
Good manners in communication
If you don't want to resort to extreme measures and delete or be deleted, follow these simple rules of communication
Even the Internet has its own rules of etiquette that must be followed.
1. Don't be rude.
2. Do not troll, Skype disposes to this, but it is better to refrain.
4. Do not fall for various provocations.
5. Do not deviate from the topic, taking the interlocutor aside.
6. Do not send spam. All users are divided into two categories: those who hate spam, and those who do not know about it.
7. When it comes to posting on forums, think over every word. It will be seen by millions of users. So do not do so that later it would not be "painfully ashamed."
8. Communicate with others the way you would like them to communicate with you.