At the moment, the most popular operating system is Windows 7. Thanks to its friendly and user-friendly interface, ease of installation, this system will hold the leadership for several years, despite the attempts of other developers.

A modern user, working with a computer, does not even think about what processes occur inside the system unit, what the operating system is and how it functions.
Operating system
An operating system is a specific set of software that implements the processing of information for transferring it to devices for performing tasks assigned to a computer. Without an operating system, a computer is just a set of iron elements interconnected. The operating system allows the user to conveniently work with information without thinking about how the data is processed.
Windows 7
The more clearly and conveniently the operating system interface is presented, the more popular it is with the consumer. So, currently the most popular operating system is Windows7. Studies have shown that the majority of users prefer this particular operating system, which replaced Windows XP in its time.
Indeed, this version is easy to manage, practically does not "glitch", allows you to download a large number of application programs, is easy to install and frequent updates. This is a complete version, able to keep the popularity peak for several more years.
An attempt was made to popularize the eighth version of Windows, but it immediately failed. Moreover, the developer initially hoped that the new system would be used more in tablets rather than laptops.
Along with the multiple versions of Windows, there are other operating systems.
Other operating systems
So, Linux, specially created for the user and offered completely free of charge, is quite easy to use. Moreover, it has a unique shell that does not require additional software - antivirus. This allows you to speed up the processing of data. For some reason, this operating system did not take root, although the developers specially adjusted the interface for Windows, and also released some compatible applications, including toys.
According to statistics, Linux is used by 1% of the total number of users.
MacOS is an interesting operating system, which was chosen as the base one by about 8% of users. But for those who are used to working with Windows of any version, it will be difficult to master this operating system. Moreover, it is not susceptible to applications from other systems.
Some personal computers are equipped with a built-in MacOS operating system and users are simply not able to use the device for its intended purpose. The accessible and friendly Windows interface, which made a huge number of users fall in love with, is to blame for everything.
The Windows operating system is the most popular. It is preferred by almost 90% of users. This applies to versions 95, 98, XP, 7, 8 and so on. Well, the most popular version is Windows 7.