In certain situations, it may be necessary to disable the kernel debugger. This operation cannot be recommended for inexperienced users due to the potential threat to the stability of the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Step 1
Click the "Start" button to bring up the main menu of the system and enter the value cmd in the search bar field to initiate the procedure for disabling the kernel debugger.
Step 2
Call the context menu of the found "Command Line" tool by right-clicking and specify the "Run as administrator" command.
Step 3
Specify Kdbgctrl.exe -d in the command line utility text box to disable kernel debugging in the current session and press the Enter function key to confirm the command.
Step 4
Use the bcdedit / debug off value in the command line text box to disable the processor core debugging process for all sessions on Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems, and press the function key Enter to confirm your choice.
Step 5
Enter the dir / ASH value in the command line text box to search for the hidden protected boot.ini file on the system drive to disable the kernel debugger for all sessions in all earlier versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system and open the file found in the application " Notebook".
Step 6
Delete parameters:
- / debug;
- debugport;
- / baudrate
and restart your computer to apply the selected changes.
Step 7
Click the Continue button in the prompt dialog box if you want to debug the system processor core and wait for the procedure to complete.
Step 8
Use the gn command in the text box of the Kernel Debugger window when you see a User break exception (Int 3) error message.
Step 9
Use Debugging Mode when booting the computer in Safe Mode to enable the kernel debugger service.