The Object Rsl debugger is a graphical utility. It allows you to significantly simplify the process of debugging and creating Rsl applications, thanks to the available set of various functions.

Step 1
Activate the Rsl debugger by ensuring that the application is in macro file debug mode. If the user has worked with ABS RS-Bank, he needs to use the debug mode. To enter this mode, use the following methods.
Step 2
Start a text editor, then press the F11 key. This will start the program for execution and invoke the debugger to work with the first command from the program text. In parallel, the debugger window is activated. The first instruction given in the program will be the current instruction for it.
Step 3
Start the program for execution using the Alt + F10 key combination, at the time of the program execution press Ctrl + Break as well. This will activate the debugger window. The instruction that is next after the last one executed will be applied to it.
Step 4
Insert the DebugBreak command directly into the program code, then run the program using the Alt + F10 keys. After that, the program will stop execution, and the debugger window will use the action following Debug as the active instruction. You can also invoke the debugger if runtime errors occur. At this point, a dialog box will appear containing information about the error, and you will be prompted to start the debugger.
Step 5
Answer this proposal in the affirmative. The current instruction will be the one that caused this error. In the debugger window, correct the cause of the error, and then continue executing the command. This window will display the program text of the module in which the debugger was activated. The module name is shown in the title of the window, and it is the current one. Note that the current instruction is highlighted in red. Activate the window with Alt + O to switch to it and enable input mode.