How To Edit A Picture In Word

How To Edit A Picture In Word
How To Edit A Picture In Word

The MS Word text editor allows not only inserting images into a document, but also modifying them. Of course, the editing options are very limited, however, they can be used to make illustrations more expressive.

How to move a picture

Double-click outside the picture, and then left-click on the picture. The cursor turns into right-angled crossed arrows. Hold down the left button and drag the drawing to another location. To rotate the image, hold down the green marker over the upper border with the mouse and move it to the left or right - the picture will rotate around the vertical axis.

How to resize a picture

To resize the picture without distorting its shape, move the cursor over the size marker in one of the corners, hold it down with the mouse and drag it towards the center of the picture or from the center. If you want to change the vertical or horizontal size of the image, drag on the handle located in the middle of one of the sides. If you use the center handles while holding down the Shift key, the image is resized proportionally, as when using the corner handles.

How to crop a picture

Sometimes you need to crop out unnecessary details in the image. Click on the picture with the right mouse button and select the command "Show customization panel". Click on the "Crop" icon, move the cursor over one of the crop handles, hold it down with the mouse and drag. The cut line will go where you stop the cursor.

How to edit color

You can turn the image into black and white like a poster, or turn it into a black and white photo. To do this, on the settings panel, click the "Image" menu icon and select one of the context menu items. To sharpen or blur the image, use the Increase Contrast or Decrease Contrast buttons.

You can lighten or darken the image by using the Brightness Up or Brightness Down buttons.

Picture and text

You can vary the placement of the picture relative to the test. On the Options Panel, click the Text Wrap Menu button and select an option from the list. In addition, a part of the picture can be made invisible using the Set Transparent Color button, so that letters can be seen through it. Click the button first and then the picture element. All pixels of this color in the picture will become transparent.
