The mouse has long become a familiar attribute of a personal computer, in the overwhelming majority of cases it works without any complaints. But sometimes a PC user is faced with a situation where the mouse stops working completely or does not work as it should.

One of the malfunctions of the manipulator may be damage to the microswitches located in it. With such a malfunction, the mouse begins to respond poorly to pressing one of the buttons.
Another type of physical malfunction is a wire break at the point where they exit from the mouse case. This happens if the mouse is used a lot - for example, when working with graphic programs.
Poor performance of wireless mice is usually associated with dead batteries.
If the mouse slows down, that is, it periodically freezes on the screen for one or two seconds, try reinstalling the drivers of the motherboard, video card and monitor. In many cases, one of these actions will help resolve the problem.
Another reason for the slowdown of the mouse can be poor cooling of the video card - check if the fan installed on it is working and how clean the radiator is. If the radiator is dusty, clean it. Of course, this must be done with the computer turned off.
Poor optical mouse performance can be caused by a poor quality mouse pad. Try experimenting with different surfaces, most often you can find the right one.
One of the causes of problems with the mouse can be a virus infection of the computer. Update your antivirus databases and scan your system completely. Set your antivirus program to update daily, or better yet, hourly, this will save you a lot of trouble.
If you cannot find the reason for the incorrect operation of the mouse, try booting from any Live CD. If the problem with the mouse disappears, then the problem lies not in the hardware, but in the operating system. If you cannot find the problem, reinstall the OS in update mode. This reinstallation will not affect your files, programs and settings, but will update the OS components.