Real-time operating systems are based on software systems that are capable of performing a number of functions in a specified amount of time. This is used in modern applications that control the processes of equipment used in research, military and space industries, as well as in the life of the common man at the level of household appliances and modern gadgets.

Feature of real-time operating systems
As an operating system in real time, a program is used that performs a given task within a strictly defined period. In real time, the system requires correct results within a specified period of time. Such real-time systems are built into microwave ovens, washing machines, digital cameras, and cell phones.
For example, the human brain works like an operating system in real time. Real-time operating systems are used in medical diagnostic systems, airline booking systems, telecommunications systems, combat weapons control systems, and many other areas.
Types of real-time operating systems
Real-time operating systems are classified as hard and soft. A rigid real-time system is required to complete tasks at a specified time. Tasks must be completed within their deadline, otherwise the real-time system can cause significant material or physical damage.
Examples of such real-time systems are, for example, military installations that control complex missile systems. Air transport flight control systems are another example. Also, these systems work in medical institutions - these are hardware complexes for health control.
Soft real-time systems include cases when the violation of the deadlines for completing tasks leads to unpleasant, but acceptable consequences. A soft real-time system does not guarantee that a task or job will be completed within a specified period of time. This system will reschedule and shut down if the process is not completed on time. Real-time soft systems are used in multimedia environments. For example, if the DVD player cannot process the video frame, you can continue watching the video.
In real-time multitasking systems, the operating system must prioritize real-time tasks over other tasks, and keep it until they are completed.
One of the operating systems that includes the soft real-time system is the Linux operating system.
The real-time operating system is designed with all aspects of real life in mind. This operating system is built on two main principles. The first is that the process must focus on the programmed event so that tasks can be scheduled and processed based on their priorities. The second principle relates to the execution time, so that the process of solving the problem takes place in a fixed time.