An Internet data server is designed to store ordered information. It can be used to store a wide variety of data about web pages, make it easier to find and collect visitor information. Setting up a data server can be complex, but understanding the basics will help you complete it successfully.

Step 1
Collect all the data you want to keep, noting how the records will be linked together. For example, a user database can be entered into a table, where each cell will contain separate information on names, addresses, etc. In addition, often one address can be applied to several people at once, differing only in some details. In this case, they talk about creating and configuring "database schemas".
Step 2
Determine how the data server will be used. How many people will connect to it during the day? What is the maximum number of connections you can expect in one minute? These answers will determine the required hardware, software, and Internet connectivity options, and in many cases affect the budget that you plan to allocate for this project.
Step 3
Review information on a few basic database applications to determine the right development environment. Microsoft Access and FileMaker Pro are the most powerful and easy-to-use tools for programmers and beginners alike. However, in both cases, purchasing and registering this software to create a data server can be expensive. Compare it to MySQL and PostgreSQL, which are completely free but more difficult to learn.
Step 4
Set up a spare computer as a development and test platform and install the database creation software that you will be using. Create your own database schema in your chosen development environment. Check how easy and convenient it is to use.
Step 5
Connect to the server by configuring the web page interface as needed. Make sure it prevents the possibility of entering incorrect data in the forms, does not ask for large amounts of information, or tries to perform impossible calculations, such as division by zero. If the data server is easy to hack, be sure to improve its security.
Step 6
Add the database to the server, check the system is working. Make sure the server can handle the expected load successfully.