Every day, more and more various nasty things appear on the Internet, harming our computers, phones, communicators. Such programs are developed by programmers either for fun or to make money. After all, many viruses bring good profits to their developers. Take the same operating system blocker. Over the years, hackers have received billions of dollars from various users around the world. At the same time, the blocking both stood and continued to stand until the computer was disinfected or the operating system was restarted.

What to do to prevent viruses from entering the system? How do I clean my computer from Trojans? Such questions are asked by hundreds of users on the forums. Many of them did not lift a finger to try to find the answer on their own. You must have anti-virus programs installed on your personal computer. These are specialized software packages that scan the entire computer system in real time, analyze the behavior of all processes and files. You can often find user reviews that antiviruses do not help in any way. In fact, this is not the case.
In addition to antivirus programs, use programs to scan network traffic on your computer. Such utilities will help you keep track of all processes and programs that use Internet access. You can deny access to any of the programs at any time. Among other things, data transmission over local networks, wireless is scanned. The program will automatically block access to unwanted sites. Companies that develop such programs have a large database of unwanted sites. Therefore, your computer with such utilities will always be safe.
If you have viruses on your computer, first check the system startup. Usually, most malicious programs copy their files there so that they can be automatically launched again when removed. Don't forget about the computer registry. Be sure to delete unnecessary entries in it that you never noticed before. Open Task Manager and view all processes. Analyze the load of each program. If there are suspicious programs, be sure to remove them from the task manager and uninstall them from your computer. After that, check the entire system with an antivirus several times. It is advisable to do this using Safe Mode.