When choosing a microprocessor, you should pay special attention to the characteristics of the cores. The compatibility of the central processor with the motherboard and the speed of the computer depend on them.
![Dual core PC processor Dual core PC processor](https://i.compthesaurus.com/images/010/image-27891-3-j.webp)
The kernel is the part of the microprocessor that executes a single stream of instructions. It, being the main part of the microprocessor, determines most of its parameters. Among them are the type of socket, the frequency of the internal data transfer bus (FSB), the operating frequency range of the processor.
A socket is a socket for mounting a processor.
Kernel characteristics
There are three main characteristics of the core: voltage and heat dissipation, technological process, the volume of the internal cache of the first and second levels.
The heat dissipation of the core affects the heating of the processor during operation.
Cache is cache memory. It is used by the central processor to speed up the access time to computer memory. The cache memory in modern computers has two levels. Each processor has its own L1 cache. It is integrated into the processor core. If the processor has two cores and the memory of the second level is shared between them, then it is only one processor. The processor core can only be fully functional when it has its own two-level cache memory. Basically, such processors are used on powerful servers and computers.
Dual core processor
For the minimum configuration, it is enough to have a dual-core processor. Moreover, it is used in tablets, smartphones and mobile computing devices.
For the first time, the dual-core chip began to be widely used in 2005. It was named Pentium D. The chip was mainly used on servers without being embedded in a PC.
A processor (central processing unit) is a crystal on the surface of which microscopic transistors, resistors and conductors are located. Also on the diagram, gold contacts are deposited, which are mounted in the case, and then in the chipset.
A chipset is a set of microcircuits interacting with each other.
Thus, it is possible to imagine two crystals inside the microcircuit, interconnected and acting as a whole.
The number of cores other than one is designed to distribute the task at hand. For example, a user browses the Internet sites overloaded with scripts. When the central microprocessor operates with two cores, the pages of the sites will not heavily load the RAM, since the processing is carried out by each core in parallel and the cache memory is accessed.