1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.3 is a program that is convenient for accountants in the process of personnel management, personnel records, payroll, tax calculation.
Very often questions arise about how to calculate and change the salary of employees.

Since there are a lot of functions in the program, it is easy to make a mistake. 1C was created to simplify and systematize the control over the personnel structure of the organization.
V 1C ZIUP 8.3. legal requirements are met. The solutions comply with the requirements of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ "On the Protection of Personal Data". The program can register events related to the work with personal data, even if the employee was subsequently dismissed.
The availability of complete and reliable information allows you to obtain analytics in the context of various categories of users: management, personnel services, personnel management services and others.
1C: Salary and HR Management 8.3 is suitable for both small and medium-sized enterprises with a complex legal structure. The product is focused primarily on accounting and settlements with personnel: cash management, automation of personnel records management, escrow, cash settlements with personnel and other related types of tasks.
Pressing an extra button can make unwanted adjustments to the previous data and, sometimes, it will not be noticeable right away. And then the accountants at the end of the month cannot understand why this or that indicator does not converge.
For training, you can create a "1C live database", where you can simply go through all the necessary operations from setting up to preparing reports.
Every year the program becomes more and more popular, the IT sphere is developing very rapidly. The product has many benefits.
How do I change my salary?
Consideration of ways to change the salary:
- Open the main page, enter the menu and go to the "Salary and personnel" section.
- While in this section, you must select "Personnel transfers".
- When creating a personnel transfer, you need to make the document itself, which will reflect the personnel movement.
- We fill in all the necessary details in the document, select the organization, the employee himself, created earlier.
- It is necessary to indicate the date of the document and the date of transfer equal to the date from which the salary change should occur. Usually this date comes from the beginning of the month.
Salary change process
Step-by-step instruction:
- We indicate the amount of the new salary by checking the box "change charges". In the first line of the table, we change the size of the salary.
- The program will also offer to indicate the reason and the accrual of an advance payment of interest from the tariff or a fixed amount.
- It is important to check the data. Then you can close the document and post.
- The employee's new salary will be displayed.
The program can also calculate the salary based on the length of service of the employee, staffing table, hazardousness of production. the number of days worked, indexation, taking into account the balances on vacations and regional coefficients.