How To Choose A Mouse For A Computer Or Laptop

How To Choose A Mouse For A Computer Or Laptop
How To Choose A Mouse For A Computer Or Laptop

If you are acting according to the plan “you liked it in color or appearance, then you have to take”, then the approach is somewhat wrong. There are many more parameters to consider when choosing a mouse for your computer or laptop.

How to choose a mouse for a computer or laptop
How to choose a mouse for a computer or laptop

1. Interface for connecting to a computer. Maybe wireless?

Most often on sale you can find wired mice that plug into the USB port of your computer, but there are also mice with a PS / 2 connector (small round, with a few thin pins inside). When choosing between these two types, it is necessary to simply look at the presence of the above ports in your PC. There is no fundamental difference in the operation of such mice, but remember that you should not plug the mouse into the PS / 2 port if the computer is working (such a mouse should be connected only when the computer is off).

Many people opt for a wireless mouse, considering it more convenient and modern. Yes, it is convenient when “extra” wires are not laid out on the table, but we must remember that such a mouse most often has a large mass compared to a wired one, because batteries must be inserted into it, so the hand holding the wireless mouse will get tired much faster. Experienced gamers know another drawback of a wireless mouse - oddly enough, batteries or batteries in a wireless mouse run out at the moment of the most important quest;)

2. Mouse type

Relatively recently, we were familiar with only one type of computer mouse - mechanical, in which the ball transmitted information about the movement of the mouse on the mat. Today, such a mouse is already an anachronism, and modern mice are most often optical or laser. The type of mouse is indicated on the box, there you can also find information that allows the user to conclude about the convenience of using the mouse - on what type of surface the mouse can be used. Laser mice, unlike optical ones, can work even on glass surfaces, as well as varnished, polished, etc.

Do not forget also about the sensitivity of the mouse (indicated on the packaging in dots per inch (dpi)). The higher the number in dpi, the greater the sensitivity of the mouse, that is, the accuracy of its operation. This parameter is important again for gamers, as well as for those who are engaged in computer graphics.

3. Additional buttons

Most often we purchase inexpensive more or less standard mice, but there are real monsters with a lot of additional buttons. Such mice, individual buttons in which you can program and which also differ in high resolution, are produced specifically for gamers and the price can reach several thousand rubles. It should be noted that there are a lot of mice for gamers, and manufacturers take into account not only the need for additional buttons that speed up interaction with the game, but also for the sake of comfort and increase the speed of the game, such mice can have variable body geometry and weight.


4. Other computer mice

You can also find inexpensive mice that differ only in reduced size. These baby mice are designed for laptops, because the mouse that you take with you should not take up much space and its weight should be as small as possible.

There are also "massage" mice, in a pimpled "skin" -lining. They should be purchased as a fun, inexpensive gift. Also, "for a gift" you should look at a mouse in the form of a car, a toy mouse or other animal, a soccer ball, etc. Wireless and wired mice in fun cases can be found for almost any holiday.


So which computer mouse to buy? Of course, this depends on the capabilities and desires of the user himself. Perhaps, in addition to the price and resolution of the mouse, its size and weight are important, because comfort during long-term work is very important for health.
