Drivers are computer programs that the operating system uses to communicate with the hardware of specific devices. These programs are essential for the successful use of any device, be it an internal board or external hardware.

Most often, the operating system includes sets of drivers necessary for the operation of the basic elements of the computer. This is necessary to successfully launch the OS shell and continue configuring the computer. Some devices require special drivers to perform certain tasks.
Despite the fact that the computer's video card starts working immediately after installing the operating system, it is recommended to install certain programs for this device. This allows you to fine-tune the parameters of the video adapter and adds certain functions to this device. There is a fairly large list of devices that require the installation of special drivers.
The main purpose of the driver is to translate information from the operating system into a set of commands that are necessary to control a specific device. This principle is called hardware abstraction.
There are seven basic steps required for the driver to work successfully.
1. Loading the driver. At this stage, files are registered and linked to specific equipment.
2. Unloading. Releasing system resources used to load the driver.
3. Opening the driver or starting the loaded program.
4 and 5. Reading and writing. At this stage, the direct work with the device takes place.
6. Closing. Termination of the program and deletion of the created temporary files necessary to maintain the operation of the device.
7. Management of input-output. Typically used to obtain specific information about a device and its purpose.
The use of separate drivers makes it easier for the creators of operating systems and quickly introduce new developments in the field of computer technology.