The Shaman is one of the most versatile classes in World of Warcraft. Most often, the shaman is assigned the role of a raid healer due to his powerful AoE spells. With the release of Cataclysm, the talent points have increased for all classes, making it much easier to place them.

Step 1
The main problem with scoring is the talent "Fortress", which is often needed by many shamans, especially with not the strongest set of clothes. The talent is taken to increase the amount of HP (healing points). In order to take it, invest 20 points in the "Improvement" branch. Go in order. In the first row, invest points in the "Knowledge of the Ancestors" - this will increase the amount of mana. In the second row, be sure to invest points in the "Sentinel Totems" talent. It is difficult to exaggerate the significance of this talent for a shaman - the more often you rearrange the grounding totem, the better. This will reduce the cooldown on cooldown by 3.5 seconds.
Step 2
Be sure to invest points in "Improved Ghost Wolf" - thanks to him, the spell "Ghost Wolf" will become instant, which will give a great advantage. Also don't forget about 100% speed and anti-control. The next item is "Improved Shields". It will give you a small amount of mana and health regen when you take melee damage. But with the right clothes for spells, you will receive significant regeneration, which will never interfere in a long battle.
Step 3
In the third row, invest three talent points in an Elemental Weapon. For a healing shaman, this talent is not so important, but you need it to advance to the coveted "Fortress". Be sure to take Shaman's Focus - a much needed talent. Shock should be used as often as possible. Thanks to the invested points, you will reduce the CD for use by 1 second, which will give you the opportunity for additional maneuvers to neutralize enemy healers.
Step 4
Finally, you got to the fourth row - take the necessary talent "Fortress". It will add about 2 thousand hp to you and significantly increase your survivability.
Step 5
Arrange the remaining talent points as you wish, depending on your playstyle and abilities used. It is advisable to invest them in casting speed and spell power. Good luck in battle!