The price tag is a small presentation of the product offered to the buyer. Its main goal is to attract the attention of the consumer and provide information about the product, its manufacturer, main properties and price. To get a price tag ready for your work, you need to adhere to some rules, which are given below.

Step 1
On the price tags of different types of goods, food and non-food, there must be relevant information. If you are preparing a price tag for food products for printing, do not forget to include the following information in it:
• for goods by weight - this is the name of the goods, grade, price per kilogram or one hundred grams, depending on the weight of the package;
• for goods sold in bulk - the name of the goods, the price per unit of capacity or plumb;
• for piece goods and drinks prepackaged by manufacturers in bottles, cans, boxes, bags, etc., - the name of the goods, capacity or weight, the price for packing.
Step 2
When compiling information for the price tag for food products, the buyer's attention should be paid to:
• product name, grade, price per kilogram, liter or piece;
• for small piece goods (perfumery, haberdashery, etc.) - the name of the product, manufacturer and price.
Step 3
Color, font and shape are of great importance when preparing a price tag. When choosing these components, first of all, you need to remember the main thing:
• information about the product on the price tag must be clear and clearly visible to the buyer, ie. when choosing a font, you need to focus on a clearer version;
• groups of similar goods should have a single format and color of price tags, for example: dairy products - green; seafood - blue; ceramics - brown; non-food items - orange, bright blue, red;
• price tags of simple geometric shapes are more easily perceived and remembered by customers in comparison with complex and unusual ones.
Step 4
It will not be difficult to print a price tag of a square or rectangular shape, even in Microsoft Word. Having decided on its size, you make on the page a convenient orientation for you, a regular table with cells of the appropriate format. In the first cell, enter the text thought out in advance that meets the above requirements. Insert a picture if necessary. Copy the contents of this cell, paste into the rest, save and print. At your discretion, you can use other programs that are available in large numbers for download on the Internet.
Step 5
The final stage in the manufacture of the price tag will be its certification with the signature of the materially responsible or official whose duties include this function. The price tag also displays the details of the store, which must be applied clearly and without corrections with a stamp or ink.