Since the advent of digital photography, a lot has changed. Film cameras familiar to everyone are used only by professionals, because digital images are much easier to work with. Accordingly, one format is replaced by a completely different one, for example, raw, which is better in image quality.

- Software:
- - Adobe Photoshop;
- - Adobe Camera Raw.
Step 1
If you compare the two formats, raw and jpeg, you can calculate that raw is the uncompressed version of the jpeg file. As an example, you can talk about how the final photos are obtained on cameras. Initially, the image from the matrix is saved in raw format, and then jpeg is created using special encoders. A similar example with wav and mp3 files. Because of this, the primary file format is preferable. contains a higher quality picture.
Step 2
To open this type of file, it is recommended to use special software, namely Adobe Photoshop. Why this particular program? In each new version, the developers in the distribution include more and more extensions for various camera models. But the choice of the version of the program should be made based on the year of publication of your camera. a program released before the release of the camera will not be able to open its raw files.
Step 3
Of course, there are add-ons for your cameras for each version, but it is still recommended to use the latest software version. You can download the program at the following link After installing the program, you just need to launch it and open any raw-format file. A distinctive feature of this program is photo editing in real mode, i.e. after loading the file into the program window, you have the opportunity to change the brightness, contrast, shutter speed, aperture, exposure and other parameters. Perhaps this is the only way to quickly and correctly edit the image.
Step 4
If, nevertheless, your camera is not supported by the program itself, it is recommended to install the latest version of Adobe Camera Raw, which is already included with the program by default. What causes such problems? Either an error occurred during installation from the distribution kit, or the camera is completely new and this amendment was not included in the last installation package.